UNIBEST Laboratory
Webpage Currently Under Development- Coming Soon!

The UNIBEST Labs Advantage
One Method
One Extraction for all analysis, regardless of soil type
None-Hazardous waste stream
In 1999, following several years of focused scientific studies, UNIBEST International worked with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) so that the company could access PNNL’s state-of-the-art Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory to proceduralize its analytical and laboratory methods. Today, UNIBEST and PNNL cooperate together in a formal Mentor-Protégé Agreement. UNIBEST also teamed with commercial agri-business to expand its research & development capabilities and complete activities necessary for market introduction.
Systems & Services
Automated Laboratory Systems
Laboratory systems with throughput and space requirements
Methods and procedures
Proven procedures and methods for all systems
WERA 103
Data and Reporting Integration
Utilize access to our proprietary reporting and algorithms to generate cutting edge reporting